domingo, 17 de marzo de 2013


El martes llegará temprana la Korrika a Campezo!

Os animamos a todas y todos a participar!

El lema es formidable. EMAN ESUSKERA ELKARRI <traducción libre: compartamos el Euskera, >

Este ess nuestro dorsal



La multitudinaria carrera a favor del euskara comenzará el 14 de marzo del 2013 en Andoain. Después de recorrer Euskal Herria durante 11 días, día y noche, sin parar de correr, el 24 de marzo finalizará en Baiona.



This year Korrika will begin on March 14th in Andoain (Gipuzkoa) and will last 11 days non-stop, covering 2000 km throughout the Basque Country. As in previous editions, hundreds of thousands of people of all ages and fitness levels will be taking part.
A hollow baton is carried during the race and exchanges hands at each change of kilometre. Inside there is a message which will not be made public until Korrika ends on March 24th in Baiona, when a well-known Basque personality will read it out loud.

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